About Chalice Companions
Chalice Companions is a ministry that seeks to connect folks who acknowledge that they need companions for their journey. The Chalice is that cup of God's love that was poured out to all in Jesus Christ. Companions comes from the Latin phrase "To break bread with" which echoes the act of God's love offered to all in the broken body of Christ upon the cross. Chalice Companions gather around God's love and share it with one another.
It began at First Christian Church of Baytown as small group prayer. The people of the congregation yearned for a more meaningful prayer life and discovered that through the ancient spiritual disciplines, they found that meaning.
Today, Chalice Companions is offered to all who have that same inner longing but realize that simply wishing for it is not enough. We must take intentional, disciplined steps toward the spiritual that can be ours through a vital relationship with Jesus Christ. We also have discovered that we cannot do this alone. We need friends who will break the bread of life with us, helping us see that which is shielded from our own minds and holding us gently accountable for following through on these good intentions.
The story of Chalice Companions at First Christian Church of Baytown is just beginning. However, it is part of a story that God initiated eons ago when God declared, "Let there be light!" Since that first day, God has been striving to bring light and joy and peace to a world torn asunder by darkness, despair, and chaos.
You are invited to become part of this on-going story God's working through the hearts and minds of humanity to fulfill God's highest hopes for creation. I invite you to explore this site and discover some companions for your journey into new life.
Pastor Bob