Face-to-Face Small Groups
We have three small groups meeting each week in Baytown Texas. We also have an introductory group that meets periodically for those who have recently joined a group or are exploring whether they want to explore a group.
Tuesday Night Group
The Tuesday Night group meets at First Christian Church (fccbtx.org) beginning at 7:00 PM. They meet every Tuesday night except the 4th Tuesday night of the month.
If you are interested in more information about this group please click here.
Wednesday Morning Group
The Wednesday Morning group meets each Wednesday morning at 10:00 AM at First Christian Church (fccbtx.org).
If you are interested in more information about this group please click here.
Pinehurst Group
The Pinehurst Group meets in private home sin the Pinehurst Subdivision of Baytown. Their meeting dates vary.
If you are interested in more information about this group please click here.