Chalice Companions

The Chalice Companions Rule of Life

 The Rule of Life represents the very heart of the Chalice Companion’s journey into a deeper relationship with God.  It consists of the promises that the Companion makes to themselves, their fellow Companions and to their God.  These promises are:

 Each Day I will:

·         Take care of my temple (body).

·         Pray the Lord’s Prayer at noon.

·         Take my hurts and hopes to God in prayer.

·         Set aside time for silence.

·         Read a portion of Scripture.

Each Week I will:

·         Attend a worship service.

·         Greet someone new each Sunday.

·         Do an act of love: call, visit, e-mail, or contact someone I know.

Each Month I Will:

·         Share with my Chalice Companions.

·         Give intentionally and proportionally of my time, talent, and treasure.

·         Do some form of outreach (service beyond my family).

·         Try to make peace with those with whom I am not in accord.

Each Year I will pursue some form of spiritual formation.

 (Adapted from St. George’s Episcopal Church, Urban Abbey Rule of Life)